David Ford manages relationships with government municipalities, including federal, state, and county governments. These areas consist of Los Angeles, the County Board of Supervisors, and Metro, and he helps develop strategic initiatives to promote awareness of a clean energy future.
Before SCE, David worked in the utility industry for six years, working alongside lineman and field crews. He then moved to California, where he began his career as an account executive in Business Solutions and eventually joined the public affairs division as a Government Relations Manager. David’s professionalism has always enabled him to play to his strengths, networking. He states, “Networking is a natural instinct for me. I try to find genuine kindness and caring in people allowing me to build friendships and collaborate on joint projects.” His innate ability to connect and unify people has served him well. He is a member of several strategic and philanthropical boards, including the LA Philharmonic, American Association of Blacks in Energy, American Cancer Society, Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber Educational Foundation, and more.
David’s mission and philosophy are based on a foundation of humility and compassion. He was a pastor of a local church in his hometown of Ironton, Ohio and his family often provided food to his neighbors. He states, “I’ve learned through experience to be a servant leader and sacrifice for their benefit.” He recognizes people have different socioeconomic needs and wishes to inspire positive change and champion his community to elevate others.
Throughout his career, David has applied these principles personally and professionally and was recognized as the 2020 Impact Maker to Watch. This award is an annual distinction for those doing foundational work to impact Los Angeles positively. He adds, “You cannot share an experience that is authentic unless you have been there yourself.”
What prompted the origins of Black Male Initiative (BMI)?
Our networking group, Black Male Initiative (BMI), was born from a common cause. The George Floyd death that happened on May 25, 2020 prompted me to search the depths of my beliefs. In today’s society, we face growing systemic socioeconomic inequities that prevail among pockets of our population. After viewing the footage multiple times on tv, I reached out to several colleagues in virtual fellowship to see if they had similar reactions. It was inspirational to hear the passion and raw emotions that we shared. From that moment, Black Male Initiative was founded. It provided us an outlet to discuss, inspire, and uplift each other as brothers. We soon found ourselves inviting others to share and keep the momentum. Our group organically grew to over 160 united members through word of mouth, under Networkers Business Resource Group (BRG). Black Male Initiative and Networkers have a common goal, a steadfast commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
What are your most inspirational memories at SCE?
I remember over 20 years ago today, we started recognizing Black History Month. There is not another program that has such a rich history and longevity at SCE. Inspired by Black History Month, the birth of other programs rose from ideas to annual events, including Hispanic Heritage Month and AAPI Heritage Month. It makes me proud to say that we started a program that got bigger than we had any dreams of. In addition, receiving the Chairman’s award in 2009 was a prestigious honor, and meeting Johnny Willis as the first African American lineman had a profound impact on me.